:: HOT NEWS!! Gackt's New Single REDEMPTION!! ^^ ::
Dear friends,
Konbanwa, genki desu ka??
Ok, setelah lama menunggu...hehehe...akhirnya Sakura datang dengan HOT NEWS!!! ^^
Well, mungkin kalian udah pada mampir ke LP baru-baru ini??
Yep! Telah rilis Single Gaku terbaru!! REDEMPTION!!! Horaaaayy! *potong tumpeng*
Weleh Bang!! Barusan semalem konser....sebelumnya nelorin Single dulu yah....hehehe...
Salud...salud Bang!!! (^^)v
This is the news, I got from Lovepotion sites...douzo!!
12.22.2005 New Single "REDEMPTION / LONGING" Cover Pictures!
There are 1st. press-only limited version (CD+DVD) and the normal version (CD only).Limited version is 1,950 yen and normail version is 1,200 yen.DVD includes music video of "REDEMPTION" (Gackt version and DC-FFVII version)Click images above to enlarge.
CD Release Date: 1/25/2006.
Link: Dears / Amazon JP
Hmmm, jadi ni single bakal jadi soundtracknya FinalFantasy VII...entah, gamenya ato movienya...Yang jelas emang lagu Gackt di single ini bakal ada. ^^
Ok, sekarang Sakura mo curhat....
Semalem...Sakura nonton lagi PB 3 dan 4 Gaku....dan...dan...hiksss ToT teringat kembali kalo malem itu juga Gaku Konser di TOKYO DOME!!! Huhuhuhuhu....
Gaku!! Kenapa dikau tak meng-invite akuuuu!!!! ToT hikss...
Well, untungnya sekarang, Sakura dapet sedikit report dari temen ttg konser semalem....
Begini, ini spoiler.....Skip if you don't want to read!!!
Credit to: rubyhatchet
----------------The Gackt Xmas Eve concert at Tokyo Dome was EXTREMELY EXCELLENT!!! This one had two screens on both sides for those poor souls in the back, like me, who couldn't see much from their seats.First thing, they showed the usual opening movie, but now it's longer, including clips of a mother and child. The mother is killed by the enemy, I'm assuming, and the boy is vainly trying to shake her awake. He looks up to see another enemy, holding a sword, and you see Gackt's angry face as he rides into battle.
Just when you think Gackt can't up the ante anymore, he pulls this on you. After that was the usual repetoire of songs: Dybbuk, etc. For some of the songs, though, the footage that played on the two screens was obviously different from what was happening on stage. Such as, Gackt was with a shit-ton of his dancers, but the screens only showed him dancing around. Or one time, he was on his knees, singing by himself, but the screens showed him holding a woman's dead body. O_o Cool but very disorienting.
For the MC (the part where he takes a break to talk to the audience), he picked out five people from the crowd (I think some people had been pre-selected somehow, like with a piece of paper on their seat or something, but I'm not sure). The first guy to come up looked like a geeky salaryman and had come with his wife, but Gackt was hanging all over him. You could tell the guy was ecstatic. Hell, who wouldn't be?
Anyway, all five people (two guys, three girls) did rock-paper-scissors, and the girl who won got presents from each band member.
From Junken: a band t-shirt (probably signed?)
From Ryu: a pair of his drum sticks and some gloves
From You: his OWN belt and sunglasses (he had to run offstage for a second to get a new belt, else his pants would've fallen down)
From Chacha: a signed band sweatshirt and HIS GUITAR (he gave her his own guitar!!)
From Gackt: a Darts ring, which he put on her finger himself
Then she got a hug from him and was sent back to her seat. The entire time, she looked very happy and ready to faint. I was so happy for her. ^___^
After Todokanai..., the usual ending song, Gackt came out again wearing a white coat. He was magically lifted from one part of the arena to the end of the center catwalk on the stage, singing 12Gatsu Love Song the whole time. On stage, he performed Love Letter, during which he was lifted up by a rising pillar. Everyone had blue glow sticks, there were pretty giant lights flinging around everywhere, and the arena crew was firing off fake snow. It was incredibly uplifting, and I saw several of my friends cry. I didn't cry (I did scratch my neck since it suddenly got itchy), but it was a happy moment. ^_^
Mostly during that incredibly intense minute when all of this stuff was getting thrown at me near the end, I wasn't thinking about how I felt. I was thinking about how he felt, standing up there by himself on that tall platform, surrounded by all these pretty lights and all this falling snow, singing to thousands of his adoring fans. He's got a great life, I tell ya.
That's the end of my short-ass review, though. I'm sure other people will write something longer.
Oh!Uh!Oh~~~~ Keknya konsernya KEREEEEEENNNN ABIIZZZZZ!!!!! ^o^ Wew!! Can't wait to see the DVD!!! CEPAAAATTT GAKUUU!!!! BIKIIINNNN!!!! *nendang Gaku yang lagi enak-enak tidur kecapean, ke Jepang*
Hahahhaha.....XP maap..maap....*ngelus-elus patpat Gaku*
EH?? O.O?? Upssss!!!! *sencored*
Jya minna san.. ^^
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